Domestic Violence


Domestic Violence

Domestic Violence is defined as knowing or recklessly causing or attempting to cause harm to a household or family member ( A domestic violence charge is always issued on a warrant, which means you will either be arrested at the scene or you will have a warrant out for your arrest.

In addition to the potential penalties for a first degree misdemeanor, a Domestic Violence conviction can result in preventing you from owning firearms. It is also not a conviction that can be expunged and a future charge of Domestic Violence can be enhanced to a felony.

If you have been charged with this serious offense, please contact us at (614) 282-4345.

Related Offenses


Violation of Protection Order: You can be charged with violating a protection order if you recklessly violated the terms of a protection order that has been issued against you. This can be in the form of a Civil Protection Order or a Temporary Protection Order issued out of a criminal charge. These orders are actual, written orders signed by a Judge and served to you, which is different from a stay away order, which is just a condition of bond (see below). Similar to a Domestic Violence charge, this offense is a first degree misdemeanor and can be enhanced to a felony in the future.

Domestic Violence by Threat: You can also be charged with Domestic Violence by Threat if you threaten a family or household member, but it is an M4 instead of an M1.

Intimate Partner Violence: This is a similar charge to Domestic Violence charge under the Columbus City Code that broadens the definition of household or family member to include other dating relationships.

Other Considerations

Stay Away Orders: Most cases with an alleged victim involved will have a stay away order issued as a condition of bond. This requires you to stay away from the alleged victim even if they contact you. This includes in person, phone, social media, and communication through a third party.

Domestic Violence by Threat: You can also be charged with Domestic Violence by Threat if you threaten a family or household member, but it is an M4 instead of an M1.

Intimate Partner Violence: This is a similar charge to Domestic Violence charge under the Columbus City Code that broadens the definition of household or family member to include other dating relationships.

Prosecuting Witness wants to Drop Charges: Lots of times in Domestic Violence and related offenses, the state’s main witness wants to drop the case. However, the State still prosecutes these cases at their discretion and often will try to prosecute you even without the alleged victim’s cooperation

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